Industrial Directory
Search our online Industrial Directory using the tools below. You can click a letter in the Alphaindex list above, to see a list of businesses that begin with that letter. Or you may use the search box below to search by company name if you already know the name, You'll need to enter at least 3 - 5 letters of the name to locate it. You may also choose a type of industry from the list below.
Wayne Farms Fresh Facility
Poultry processing
Wayne Farms Prepared Foods
Chicken processing for soups
Whitesburg Electronics Inc.
Printed circuit board assembly
Willo Products Company, LLC
Prison & jail equipment
Wilson Machine and Welding Inc.
General machine shop
Wolverine Industries
Integrated aluminum manufacturing
Woodard Electric Company
Printed circuit boards
Yates Industries South LLC
Manufacture and repair hydraulic and pneumatic cylinders.